3 Spectacular Traffic Sources That Generate You Consistent Visitors

best traffic sources
Traffic is lifeblood of any online bussiness. if you ask hundreds of bloggers what is the main obstacle you encouter online.
The answer is simple.
There are hundreds of ways and methods to generate traffic to your website, we will cover 3 traffic sources. they are proven and generate you thoudands of readers if you know how to use them properly.
- SEO/ Natural Traffic
- Facebook/ Build Your Fans
- Yutube/ Video Marketing
best traffic sources
How To Use These Traffic Sources:
One of the most effective strategies to generate traffic to your blog is by writing amazing content and spend much time promoting the heck of that content. we all know growthachers, alltop, blogging communities and facebook groups are gold mine traffic sources to get new leads, but what we miss is a viable marketing strategy to attract, grow and convert those visitors.
1- Search Engine Optimization :
I think there is no better Way than Generating readers and leads from The Biggest search engine on the web. when someone enters a keyword phrase to search for something to buy.
Most people when they start blogging they heavily want to rank for competitive keywords for instance : “how to lose weight”. this keyword has millions of searches monthly and it is very hard to rank first page. they used to Write Valuable content and build consistent backlinks. so you need patience and its a long journey to see results.
best traffic sources
What should i do :
Instead of targeting competitve keywords. Use Google Planner to know which keywords have Only Few hundred searches a month. i won’t choose “ how to lose weight” But better choose “ how to lose weight after pregancy. i know where there is competition there is money. But it is very hard to rank with that Keyword. Go with long tail keywords and always there is some space for you.
best traffic sources
Let’s Do The Math :
You have 15 well written blog posts in your blog and each article targets 1000 searches a month. how much traffic are you generating monthly. tha’t 15 000 monthly Searches.

If You Use This Good SEO Strategy In your blog. i think You will get visitors in a short period.
best traffic sources
2- Facebook Marketing :
If you have a blog and don’t have a facebook fanpage, is like having content and have no idea about marketing.
Everybody knows facebook and every blogger has facebook fanpage. when you ask on google” how to get more likes” you will read bunch of different answers. every marketer has a specific method that works for him. as i have asked same question and got awesome answers from smart bloggers.
Ready ?
1-Make it personal : make it easier for people to know who you are what you offer and how you can help them. if you identify yourself with the community using your own picture in the profile, you will get access to personal branding. which makes you stand out.
2- Build long term relationship through Engagement :
best traffic sources
3- Video Is Powerful To Grow Your Business :
When you think about starting video marketing for your blog, then you have made a big decision to tap into a traffic source that can not be ignored to generate targeted visitors and leads.
If you know how to write a piece of content, something valuable to say in front of the camera to reach out your audience, then you have done something brilliant to increase website traffic.
Video Generation technique :
Record at least 2 Videos each day. that’s 60 video a month. 2 x 30= 60. the answer, you found an ideal strategy to Generate prospects to your blog.
- Add Video to other video sharing sites
- Figure out who your ideal readers
- Add Massive value to attract readers
- More Videos More views and visitors
How Do you stand out?
if you use the same template i shared with you above, you will have the same results. Youtube is Big Search engine for videos. people search keyword phrase to find a video, if you monetize them with the right keywords, you will stand out and gain results.
We don’t need to be everywhere, Use these three traffic sources i showed you above use same strategies i shared with you and don’t say why nothing works for me.
best traffic sources