Top 4 Ways To Make Money Online in 2019

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Would you like to start making money online in 2020?
You don’t know where to start?
Blogging is like riding a surfboard, the start always is hard. You fall down and try to understand what happened.
When you start a blog, You write some articles, you optimize them for the right keyword then you end up with no traffic.
SEO is a long Journey
You have to Hold off writing on your blog and start Guest posting on popular blogs.
When you have traffic you think about making some money.
Right ? how to earn money online
Well. No worries. I am not going to share with you 5o Proven ways But Only 4 best ways, Choose one of them and follow your passion.
If you accomplish them all you will lose your FOCUS.
When I started Blogging Three years ago. I started learning the basics before any advanced strategies.
I purchased product after product to know what “secret internet marketers use to make passive income. Hoping they teach something proven.
I purchased a domain name, web hosting and written several blog posts to generate organic traffic. how to earn money online
I wanted to get some visitors and make some sales and realized I need the right mindset and a strategy that moves me forward. I used to spend over six hours on Google just reading articles to find new and unique information.
I was confused.
I wanted to give up, but I learned the obstacle is the way.
I wanted to Keep Moving.
The first step I dicovered was to never write an article until i use keyword planner to spy on Google first page to know ranking positions for my article.
targeting long tail keyword was and still the best way to see traffic flow in your website.
A blog without traffic is like a ghost town.
As I subscribed to some newsletters, I started receiving hot emails from smart blogger who showed me a proven way that so many people were doing it and making passive income.
I bought his kindle money mastery product from clickbank and started watching his videos to know how to do it too.
how to earn money online
1# How to make money online in 2019 with Kindle Publishing :
If you think writing is your passion, then go for it. i never thought kindle publishing is easy and fast. you are not going to write a noverl, just make sure you are solving a specific problem.
I told myself if iam going to write a blog post then why not spend hours to write, package and sell something. if i want to make money online i have to sell something.
Its could be
- Kindle Ebook
- Digital Product
- Online Course
- Online Webinar
how to earn money online
Here is the concept i wanted to learn.
- How to do ebook title
- how to write creative content
- how to desing a good cover
- how to market my kindle EBook
Readers will love your stuff once you are making them happy through teaching awesome informations.
It was hard but i wanted to learn slowly and figure out what proven marketing strategies authors use to market their books.
I want to get more downloads and more reviews to build social proof and sell more. if i want to get readers i have to care about them more than they care about me. i needed to improve and provide massive value.
how to earn money online
2 # Why Fiverr is a Good Marketplace To Make money in 2019 :
Fiverr is the biggest market place in the world for digital services. if you are skilled at something and want to make money online in 2018 then fiverr is your friend.
I used to buy from fiverr to save my time for blogging. their service starts from $5 bucks. everyone is talented to do something.
If you read a lot and want to make some money then writing articles and ebooks is your job to serve people.
Serve people before you start your own business online. when you earn $100 with fiverr think about investing it on a domain name, web hosting and email software.
Write some creative content in your blog. tell your story from start to finish to connect with readers for better results.
how to earn money online
3# Create an Info Prodcut and Make Passive Income :
If you want to make income online, you need to sell something. if you have a good idea and think it will grow small businesses. then create your own product.
I know you need someone to help you launch your first digital product. warriorforum is where to find reliable internet marketers who do these launches for you.
If you are unable to launch, start as an affiliate and promote products from Jvzoo. sign up with clickbank and jvzoo and think about earning your first $100.
How to do it :
1# Pick a product from Clickbank or Jvzoo
2# Buy the product and reviews it
3# Create a video about the product
4# Upload the video to Youtube
5# Buy a domain name and write a review article about the product
6# Build a Squeeze page using thrivethemes
7# Repeat Over and over
how to earn money online
4 # Writing a Book is To Your Success to Make Money in 2019 :
It is very difficult to write an amazing book that readers love. it takes time and commitment to provide massive value to get customers reviews and sell more of your books.
Some People say Writing a book is a Very Hard Thing to do in your life. I know some authors and writers who never thought they will become full time authors.
They bought some courses online that teach them “how to write a book and grow your online business”.
Now they are selling thousands of their own Books. They started with no writing or marketing skills. they worked harder and smarter to build a healthy business.
Related article : profit from the internet 2019
how to earn money online
Conclusion :
I have showed you Four proven ways to start making money online. Focus on one way. think about selling something. serve people.
if you are broke, start with fiverr to earn some money and think about invest it. you can’t manage three blogs at a time. stop browsing many things. you can’t use all these ways at a time, you will end up doing nothing.
how to earn money online