List building: How To Build an Email List Using Organic Search Traffic

list building
Your e-mail list is one of your most valuable assets. It’s important to maintain it as often as possible, and to do everything you can to keep fresh entries coming in. If you’re like me, you were probably hoping for a more automated solution that does the job on autopilot. Sadly, that doesn’t exist – or at least I don’t know of anything of the sort. What I will tell you here though is a solid strategy which can deliver a lot of traffic to your e-mail list, and can help you grow it at a very fast rate.
You Need The Right Niche:

The most important thing is to pick a niche you’re comfortable with. I’ve seen many people make the mistake of picking a niche with a lot of activity, thinking that this willdraw traffic to them easily. The truth is that you’re also opening yourself up to a lot of competition this way. You should do some research to balance things as much as possible. Try to pick a niche which has a good amount of activity, but isn’t hugely popular so that you won’t have to face a lot of competition.
This is where I’d advise you to spend the most time researching things. Take your time and explore the internet. There is a lot of information available out there, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re seeing the full picture when you choose your niche. Look at the success rates of other campaigns if you can. This information may not always be available, but when it is, it can prove invaluable in starting your e-mail list the right way.
Pick Your Target Keywords Carefully:
In a similar vein, you should also be careful with your choice of keywords. This can make or break your campaign. You should ideally work with a keyword that gets a good number of searches every month, over 1000 or so. Make sure it’s something you feel comfortable writing about. You will be writing blog posts based on your keywords, and you’ll want them to seem genuine and informative. If you don’t have the expertise in a given field, it’s going to become blatantly obvious very fast.
Do your best to optimize those posts for SEO as well. This should go without saying, but it’s something that a surprising number of people tend to ignore. Then, look into a subniche that you can write about without dropping the quality of your work. Continue to expand in that direction until you carve out your own path. This will reduce your competition while still allowing you to retain high rankings in Google.
Speaking of Google, I would definitely advise you to pay attention to potential competition on there. You should ensure that there are no other authority sites ranked on the first page of the search results you’re targeting. This will become very important when you’re trying to expand.
Last but not least, you have to prepare good newsletters for your readers. Take your time and put as much effort as you can into this. Try to make the letters informative but also include a good call to action in each one. Retention rates may drop off a little here, but you should be able to adjust to these developments in any case.
And then you just have to repeat all of the above over and over again. Pick a good niche, select the right keywords, and start writing those newsletters. With some practice, you’re going to nail the formula. And after that, you’re going to see a consistent stream of traffic to your newsletters. Growing them will become very easy when you follow the above steps and you transform them into a routine.
Be prepared to make some mistakes though. I’ll be honest with you, I did too. You’re never going to have these things sorted out perfectly from the very beginning. But the more you practice, the more you’re going to start spotting certain patterns. And this will give you the confidence to take bigger risks –and those come with greater rewards. Keep exploring what the market has to offer, and never the rest comes down to persistence!
list building, list building, list building